Management and front-line work

Management and front-line work 

High-quality management and front-line work enable success. Management and front-line work are skills that can be developed and developed in.

A leader or supervisor is a person whose expertise is in supporting people, building a motivating environment, removing obstacles to success, showing direction and helping the team. In addition, management and front-line work includes goal setting, team building, people development and feedback as an essential part.

You are not born a good leader or leader, you grow and develop into one. It is good for a company to have common principles of management and front-line work, as well as a management culture, which strengthen the company and move it forward.

We help our customers develop management and front-line work so that their personnel enjoy their work and develop further, as a result of which it is easier for them to attract new top talent, and at the same time the company grows and flourishes.

We With More Than Training Company coach, develop and help you to succeed

Support for the most common themes of management and front-line work

We help our customers with different types of leadership and management skills, as well as with themes. 

Such are, for example: 

  1. Coaching management and front-line work
  2. Managing oneself
  3. Change management
  4. Sales Direction
  5. Strategic management
  6. Ways of thinking and time management
  7. Building winning teams
  8. Goal setting
  9. Communication and feedback
  10. Project and matrix management

If jsupervision and front-line workare interested in the development of feel free to contact us! 

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