Will you come back to middle school physics classes with us for a while?
Friction is resistance to motion, i.e. the force that opposes the movement between the surfaces of two solid bodies in contact with each other.
Rest friction = Friction that prevents objects from moving.
Movement friction = Friction acting on bodies in motion.
Starting friction = Maximum value of rest friction, the greater force required to set the body in motion.
Even though a lot of work has broken away from physical deliverables, its definitions are still quite functional even in expert work, for example. The summer holidays are over, and it's back to the office - what was my password? How are these systems used? Which customers did I have, what conversations were going on? What is in my calendar, and what is missing?
Starting friction is a real challenge in expert work. We hope to return to work from vacation refreshed and refreshed, but at the same time, getting going is sticky. You can set off leisurely, gradually picking up the pace. Each business can start at a slightly different pace, in a slightly different direction. Or you can apply a force greater than rest friction to achieve movement.
Doing things is more important desire do things. The desire to do generates enthusiasm, experimentation, repetitions, energy. Our goal is to help you create the desire to do things in yourself and in others, and use this generated energy to overcome initial friction. So organize the autumn kickoff with us!
Kickoff is an event that gathers your whole group together, where the main thing is to clarify together and simplify what is the most important goal and to do this autumn, and to start the season with good energy. Whether the kickoff lasts two hours, half a day or a whole day, it is important to plan it as a whole that excites and inspires and does not discourage and bore. We have ideas for you on how to make your event unforgettable, and as autumn approaches, your lights will burn brighter!
Let's make your autumn more than together!
Contact us and order the autumn kickoff now from More Than Training Company!