How to create a success strategy?
Did you know that the 1960s and 2020s have a surprising amount in common? In both decades, global tensions breathe the spirit of the Cold War, and the arms race tightens the world like the price of electricity on the stock exchange tightens electricity-saving measures. The self-esteem and sense of security of many nations, communities, companies and individuals are being tested. With what strategy do we get out of the crisis and ensure growing prosperity with a competitive advantage? I propose as a remedy the strategy model successfully used by President John F. Kennedy in the 1960s, with which man is known to have reached the moon!
John F. Kennedy recognized that American national pride was buried deeper than the deepest point of Death Valley in the Sierra Nevada desert. He recognized that now both an experiential and a visionary story (vision) are needed. Together with his speechwriters, the president formed a vision that helped put the world power back on its feet. In its simplicity, the story of the vision was: "Make America Great Again, by sending a man to the moon!", that is, "let's make America great again, by conquering the Moon".
The best success strategies and powerful visions are like wedding traditions, they have: "Something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue". This is evidenced by the 45th president of the United States, who got into office by relaunching the vision of the 1960s success strategy in his own victorious election campaign. However, a mere vision does not necessarily lead to the final goal, as our recent history shows.
An ambitious vision enables successful and inspiring goals. Of course, the biggest and ultimate goal was to conquer the moon, but the project also included other important goals, such as the goals of developing technology that would be suitable and enable the main goal.
When the vision and goals have been clarified, it is necessary to recognize where we are now and where we are going. Strategies are a road map, by following which goals and vision are achieved. They are choices about what to do and what not to do. John F. Kennedy's national vision and goals were broken down into smaller entities and, for example, NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the US federal government, built its own road map, which included 8 years, 10 training missions, 400,000 engineers, scientists and technicians, and 150 billion to reach the goal of only three meters on a long landing craft.
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The success strategy is broken down into key actions at the level of individual professionals. According to the story, when John F. Kennedy was visiting NASA headquarters, he met a cleaner in the hallway, to whom he asked: "What are you doing?". To this the cleaner replied: "Mr. President, I will make America proud by making it possible for man to go to the moon, by keeping the product development department clean and orderly." Is your success strategy story-based, goal-oriented, clear like a road map and ultimately important at the level of what every single professional does in everyday life?
As management guru Peter Drucker has stated: "if you can't measure it, you can't manage it." A good strategy includes measurable results (KPIs). In creating and managing a success strategy, it is understood that the results themselves cannot be managed, only things can be done. John F. Kennedy's success strategy took, posthumously for the president, mankind to the Moon!
If you want to ensure a success strategy for you too, take contact!
Joshua Moorrees
More than a trainer.
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