CASE: Tuxera – Global Sales Academy

In late 2022 Tuxeran Vice President of Global Sales Timi Lehtonen found that they need to further develop the working methods of Tuxera's global sales organization. "Our goal is to create a common sales language for the entire global organization, as well as common goals and operating methods, so that the same process is followed everywhere. The focus was on creating this process together with the team so that everyone commits to it."

After the competition, MTTC was selected as Tuxera's partner in the sales transformation journey. According to Tim, the reason for the choice was clear: "Of all the options, MTTC's program was the most flexible and, in our opinion, the most customizable. We also had a constructive dialogue about the goals we set, which were really wild at first. We tailored the whole in dialogue with MTTC so that the whole became reasonable within the limits of budget and time use."  

Together, MTTC and Tuxera built the Global Sales Academy for Tuxera, which combines both face-to-face coaching of internal coaches and digital coaching and materials that Tuxera's own coaches can use as support for coaching their own teams in everyday life. Tuxera's global sales team leaders from Europe, the United States, and Asia participate in the program, and MTTC's coaches act as coaches. Janne Kolehmainen and Joshua Moorrees, which are supported by the project's project manager Johanna Vilkuna.

The implementation of the built reference framework is still in progress, and so far the participants have been trained to act as internal coaches, the basics of sales have been summarized, and digital materials have been offered to the participants to deepen the different aspects of sales both independently and with their teams.

"At first I thought that these digital sections were not needed, but afterwards I have noticed that they are a really good addition to the program", laughs Timi. "However, the most important thing is this face-to-face interaction and coaching. In them, the team really participates in what is being done and commits to common goals. Janne and Joshua succeeded in facilitating the discussion excellently, because even though there was some resistance in the team to repeating the basics and dealing with general issues, they got the team to participate and get excited about the topic. Under their leadership, the discussion progressed in the right direction so that the development of thinking clearly took place."

Tuxera's Global Sales Academy has been modified several times while the program is running. This is a special reason why Timi can recommend MTTC as a training partner. "MTTC is a listening operator that can adapt the program to the customer's needs very flexibly. The conversation connection with Janne, Joshua and Johanna has been really proactive when we have had to modify the implementation. It's been great!”

MTTC's Joshua describes his own learning path with Tuxera as follows: "Global coaching programs are both very challenging and rewarding at the same time. At the same time, ways must be found to build a globally common management and operating method and yet maintain flexibility, which combines the above-mentioned global common operating method and local culture-related characteristics. In such projects, we harness local management as resources, who nevertheless have a superior understanding of their own cultural framework. Our mission is to help globally diverse managers and teams to understand each other and learn from each other's best practices, as well as to commit to a common way of working."

We at MTTC would like to thank Tim and the entire Tuxera team for the open and courageous dialogue and how the cooperation between the participants and between them and the coaches deepened throughout our journey together. We are delighted that our journey together is off to a good start!

The cooperation between Tuxera and MTTC to develop sales continues.

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